Eclipse Swing Panel ESP Series Painted Steel Enclosure
Product Information
Part Number: ESP1212
  • Description
  • Specifications
  • Ratings
  • The hinged panel allows access to internally mounted equipment.12 gauge steel construction. Slotted quarter turn latches provide closure. Adding optional locking quarter turn latches (Part Number EQTRL) convert this to a dead front panel.Complete with 4-6" depth adjustment channels. Hardware kit maintains UL, CSA and NEMA ratings when field installed. Finished in white.

  • Specifications

    Please click a part number below to view the product specifications.

    Product dimensions

    Part Number

    12 x 12 in. ESP1212
    16 x 12 in. ESP1612
    16 x 16 in. ESP1616
    16 x 20 in. ESP1620
    20 x 16 in. ESP2016
    20 x 20 in. ESP2020
    20 x 24 in. ESP2024
    24 x 16 in. ESP2416
    24 x 20 in. ESP2420
    24 x 24 in. ESP2424
    30 x 20 in. ESP3020
    30 x 24 in. ESP3024
    30 x 30 in. ESP3030
    36 x 24 in. ESP3624
    36 x 30 in. ESP3630
    36 x 36 in. ESP3636
    42 X 36 in. ESP4236
    48 X 24 in. ESP4824
    48 X 36 in. ESP4836
    60 X 36 in. ESP6036
  • Hardware kit maintains UL, CSA and NEMA ratings when field installed